From Ideas to Impact: Driving Innovation through Strategic Partnerships and Emerging Technologies

Tuesday, October 10 | 3:00PM–3:45PM CT | Poster #203, Halls F1, F2, Level 3
Session Type: Poster Session
Delivery Format: Poster Session
The New School Innovation Center fosters a culture of innovation through transdisciplinary research, creative experimentation, and entrepreneurship, leveraging frontier technologies like quantum computing, generative AI, and XR. Our impactful innovative programs with emerging technologies blend design, social research, performing arts, and technology to pave the way for learning's future and higher education digital transformation. This session explores strategic leadership, partnerships, and their critical roles in fostering innovation and enhancing the educational experience with emerging technologies. Featured case studies will showcase curriculum and extracurricular efforts with XR, quantum computing, and generative AI, including the first Quantum Computing Design Jam for students, culminating in a groundbreaking Quantum Art Exhibition. We'll share practical approaches to advance student and faculty work with emerging technologies. The session will cover our latest work with emerging tech, discussing its potential to revolutionize teaching, research, and student engagement. In recognition of our cutting-edge work, we received the 2022 Reimagined Education Gold Award in Developing Emerging Skills and Competency and the 2023 CIO 100 Award. Attendees will gain a deeper understanding of impactful programs and learn actionable strategies to leverage collaborative partnerships and emerging technology potential to drive meaningful change in higher education.


  • Maya Georgieva

    Senior Director, Innovation Center / XR, AI and Quantum Labs, The New School
  • Lin Zhou

    Senior Vice President & Chief Information Officer, The New School