Prepare for the Future

Thursday, October 12 | 11:00AM–12:00PM CT | Main Stage, Skyline Ballroom, Level 3
Session Type: General Session
Delivery Format: General Session

Study after study has shown us that multigenerational teams outperform more homogeneous groups by nearly every measure. This can be attributed to their unique and diverse experiences – the more seasoned employee offers wisdom and expertise, while those on the younger end offer a fresh and innovative perspective. While the advantages are numerous, it turns out that managing multigenerational teams is easier said than done. Today’s teams are often plagued by issues regarding everything from work ethics and retention to succession and fairness.

The key to understanding and leveraging these generational trends is to recognize that it’s not about “out with the old, in with the new.” Every generation brings value to the workforce.

In addition to change happening within the workplace, our education system is being rocked by the aftermath of the pandemic and a new generation of parents and students with evolving expectations and needs. The time is now to have strategic conversations about the future of higher education.

Kim Lear will give you a closer look into who these generations are and the communication tactics that bring people together. Her research, insights, and original concepts help audiences connect with every generation and make the bold, future-oriented decisions demanded by this moment.


  • Kim Lear

    Keynote, Speak Inc