Helping Your Institutional Leadership Prepare for the Next Wave of Digital Transformation (Dx)

Tuesday, October 10, 2023 | 10:15AM–11:00AM CT | Poster #609, Halls F1, F2, Level 3
Session Type: Poster Session
Delivery Format: Poster Session
Those involved in higher education have likely seen recent changes in their institutions. Changes were due to quickly moving courses online because of the pandemic and its impact on the students and the institution, while other changes resulted from lower enrollments and newer technologies being employed. There are a number of new realities for higher education, which may include the student acting as the consumer, student expectations for more appropriate digital technologies in course delivery and student services, and the desire for shorter degrees and certificate offerings. These changes will continue and the next wave of digital transformation will play a role in that ongoing change. Join us to discuss some of these new realities in higher education and the role of digital transformation. We will discuss how the participant’s institutions use technologies that serve students, curriculum, and data collection, and how those technologies have transformed over the years. We will discuss how to ensure everyone, including leadership, is on the same page regarding the purposes and need for the technology, and how participants may be able to impact the adoption of new technologies in their institutions. This begins with defining what leadership needs to know about Dx and how participants can ensure its strategic adoption in their institution. Participants will leave with a broad understanding of how they can impact their institutional leadership’s knowledge and adoption of digital technology.


  • Amy Hilbelink

    Senior Consultant, Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges
  • Chris Moloney

    Associate Vice President / Associate Managing Principal, AGB

Resources & Downloads

  • AGB Consulting Boards and Governance in Dx

    Updated on 10/7/2023
  • AGB Governance and Dx Questions for Consideration

    Updated on 10/7/2023