Lunch and Learn – Hybrid Work in Higher Education: What’s Next?
While the pandemic emergency has ended, colleges continue to struggle with how to manage a remote workforce or whether to even offer one at all. Campuses by their very nature of being a community of learners are different from companies, and the same policies and protocols that work for the business world don’t for higher ed. To better understand how institutions are approaching hybrid work, The Chronicle recently conducted a national survey of administrators and faculty members asking for their perspective on their institution’s policies and how they have affected their work.
Join this session and learn key survey findings and takeaways that discuss how different types of institutions are dealing with the challenge; which parts of the work force are offered remote options; and the impact on campus culture and morale of these decisions. This session will also highlight approaches that use technologies to try and create a productive and sustainable work environment. Collin College and Webster University will join the discussion panel to share key strategies that have worked for them to offer the best hybrid experience for their faculty and students – from student services to a large hybrid learning offering. Plus, Cisco joins the session to offer insight to the key technology trends that can help meet the new hybrid needs now and looking to the future. Registration Link: