Learning Reimagined: A Comprehensive Learning Management System (LMS) Migration to Improve Equity, Student Success, and Quality of Instruction

Wednesday, October 11, 2023 | 10:15AM–11:00AM CT | Poster #203, Halls F1, F2, Level 3
Session Type: Poster Session
Delivery Format: Poster Session
In 2022, South Piedmont Community College (SPCC), located in North Carolina, migrated from one LMS (Moodle) to another (Canvas) while implementing a complete overhaul and redesign of all courses migrated. As part of the College’s award-winning student success initiative, "Learning Reimagined," the course redesign process included the following elements: HyFlex course design, internationalization of curricula, incorporation of digital textbooks, humanization of the online environment, and a uniform course layout. South Piedmont contracted with an artificial intelligence (AI) solution to help facilitate an efficient and accurate course migration directly into the newly designed SPCC template. Additionally, the eLearning department collaborated with an external instructional design firm to implement the redesign of 400 courses in a 10-month period, keeping SPCC quality standards across the board.


  • Catalina Ramirez

    Director of eLearning, South Piedmont Community College
  • Misty Skiles

    Instructional Designer, South Piedmont Community College

Resources & Downloads

  • SPCC Learning Reimagined Poster

    Updated on 10/7/2023