Moving Core IT to the Cloud: Strategies for Small Colleges

Wednesday, October 11 | 2:30PM–3:00PM CT | W184bc, Level 1
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Presentation/Panel Session
Tambellini research shows that in 2022 more than 95% of ERP selections were for SaaS-architected solutions, and we know it’s a similar statistic for other core IT systems. But the journey is especially difficult and important for small institutions with limited resources. Three small college institutions present their strategy and implementation of core cloud-based systems in an interactive format for others to discover new approaches and common pitfalls.


  • Michelle Hobbins

    CIO / Associate Vice President for Information Technology & LIS, Carthage College
  • Nathan Phillips

    CIO, American College of Healthcare Sciences
  • Bill Thompson

    Director Digital Infrastructure, Lafayette College

Resources & Downloads

  • Moving Core IT to the Cloud Strategies for Small Colleges

    Updated on 7/27/2024