Student Success: Privacy Enables the University

Thursday, October 12 | 9:45AM–10:30AM CT | W184bc, Level 1
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Presentation/Panel Session
Higher education must innovate in the delivery of its educational, student success, and health and wellness initiatives and create true online communities. Students, faculty and administrators seek real capabilities that enable them to improve outcomes, have better campus experiences, and truly impact their ability to succeed in coursework as well as experiences in and outside of the classroom. Learn how the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign’s Identity, Privacy and Cybersecurity (IPC) team in the Office of the CIO has become a strategic partner and enables these efforts through creating trust in the stewardship and protection of the data students entrust to our university. Participate in discussions around the policy, governance and privacy-principled capabilities requisite to meeting the obligations and responsibilities we have to all of our stakeholders. Presenters will share student experiences on digital services students want and the desire for input to the design process, including privacy visibility and controls over how their data is included. We will share how the IPC office uses the privacy guiding principles of trust, transparency and consent in each engagement to enable project efforts. Finally, we will share real examples and experiences related to several university efforts underway in learning analytics, student health/wellness, and mobile application development and how privacy-by-design can help enable our 21st-century campus.


  • Stephen Collette

    Privacy Operations Manager, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • Aaron Collie

    Research Data Security Manager, Princeton University
  • Phil Reiter

    Chief Privacy Officer, University of California, Berkeley

Resources & Downloads

  • Student Success Privacy Enables the University

    Updated on 8/31/2024