VR Learning Design Compendium: Design Artifacts to Inspire VR Education
The popularization of educational virtual reality (VR) presents new opportunities and challenges for instructional designers. By allowing instructional designers to create authentic simulations, immersive three-dimensional models, and empathetic role-playing exercises, VR offers the potential to engage learners in novel and meaningful ways. While these opportunities are promising, there is a lack of resources available to instructional designers as they design in VR. To address this issue, we will showcase the newly created VR Learning Design Compendium. Created through a collaboration between the Innovation and Research team and the T4 Scholars at Grand Valley State University, this compendium will inspire instructional design practice by collecting and rigorously analyzing VR instructional design examples. The compendium organizes learning design examples into categories of empathetic design, interactive design, and immersive design, while also highlighting pedagogical affordances, disadvantages, accessibility considerations, and design recommendations for each design example. In addition to reviewing the compendium, session participants will be invited to collaborate on the compendium by contributing their own VR design artifacts, with the eventual goal of publishing a compendium featuring contributions from diverse institutions.
Jacob Fortman
Emerging Technology Research Analyst,
Grand Valley State University
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VR Learning Design Compendium
Updated on 2/12/2025