Catapulting Telecom into the Modern Age at a Small Liberal Arts College

Friday, October 28, 2022 | 9:45AM–10:30AM MT | Mile High Ballroom 1A-C, Ballroom Level
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Presentation/Panel Session

This summer, after months of discovery and deliberation, Davidson College migrated its telecom services from a traditional, on-premises VoIP solution to Zoom Phone. The story of that migration has all of the twists, turns, and lessons learned one might expect. From automating nomadic E911 and improving compliance, to surveying shifting user device preferences, to supply chain challenges, we'll explore how one small college managed to pull it off with a small, agile team and lots of elbow grease.


  • Ted Brodheim

    CIO Advisor, Zoom
  • JD Mills

    Director of Infrastructure, Davidson College

Resources & Downloads

  • Catapulting telecom into the modern age at a small liberal arts college

    Updated on 11/4/2022