CG Alley: Student Success Analytics Community Group (CG)

Thursday, October 27 | 3:00PM–3:45PM MT | Board 501, Poster Area, Exhibit Hall B-E
Session Type: Poster Session
Delivery Format: Poster Session

Come visit us in the CG Alley section of the poster sessions! Despite the lack of common resources to guide their efforts, institutions are employing different, innovative approaches for Student Success Analytics (SSA). Members of the SSA Community Group have developed a common framework to fill this gap, identifying and promoting best practices in analytics strategies for student success practitioners.


  • Linda Feng

    Vice President of Architecture, D2L
  • Maureen Guarcello

    Director, Program Evaluation, Compliance, & Assessment, San Diego State University
  • Melissa Irvin

    Associate Vice-Provost for Student Success, The University of Tennessee
  • Szymon Machajewski

    Director Learning Tech & Innovation, University of Illinois Chicago
  • Shannon Mooney

    Senior Data Scientist, Georgetown University
  • Steven WILLIAMS

    Principal Product Manager, Bruin Learn Center of Excellence, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)