Congratulations, You're Human! Life Lessons in Leadership

Thursday, October 27 | 4:00PM–4:45PM MT | Mile High Ballroom 2A3A, Ballroom Level
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Presentation/Panel Session

Do you ever feel the need to be superhuman and consistently perfect? No matter the title, years of experience or accomplishments, everyone who fills leadership roles is human and subject to exhaustion, getting hangry, or even making a mistake. Normalizing that change can be hard, taking on more responsibility isn't easy, and sometimes there isn't a clear path forward for decision-making. Tara and David have dealt with these issues in their own lives and provide practical advice.


  • Tara Hughes

    Chief Information Officer, California State University, Monterey Bay
  • David Sherry

    Chief Information Security Officer, Princeton University

Resources & Downloads

  • Congratulations You Are Human EDUCAUSE October 2022

    Updated on 7/26/2024