The Evolution of Higher Education Learning Spaces, and What to Expect in the Future

Thursday, October 27, 2022 | 1:00PM–1:45PM MT | Mile High Ballroom 1D-F, Ballroom Level
Session Type: Industry Led
Delivery Format: Presentation/Panel Session

The past few years have defined a period of considerable change for higher education. Join us in a special panel discussion with campus academic technology leaders, scholars, and futurists to hear their reflections on how learning spaces have been transformed and continue to be transformed based on needs of faculty and students. We will hear about collaborative networks of open resources that can help advance planning, design, and best practices for a diversity of learning environments. Consideration will be given to concepts of what fosters success in creating new spaces, including the melding of campus planning, instructional design, academic technology, audiovisual systems, pedagogy, research and development, experimentation, and risk. Our panelists will offer their perspectives on the future of teaching, leaning, and spaces and how academia might change over the next decade.


  • Kristina Case

    Director - Academic Technologies, Oregon State University
  • Adam Finkelstein

    Associate Director, Learning Environments, McGill University
  • James Frazee

    Vice President & Chief Information Officer, San Diego State University
  • Danielle Rourke

    Founder, Gaming Culturist
  • Lisa Stephens

    Asst. Dean - UB Engineering, and Sr. Strategist, SUNY Academic Innovation (Ret.), SUNY System Administration

Resources & Downloads

  • DT EvolutionOfHiEdLearningSpaces

    Updated on 11/3/2022