Putting Analytics to Work in Higher Education

Thursday, October 27, 2022 | 8:00AM–8:45AM MT | Main Stage, Four Seasons Ballroom, Ballroom Level
Session Type: Featured Session
Delivery Format: Featured Session

How can you put analytics capabilities to work regardless of analytics maturity? In this presentation, Gartner Associates will highlight observed outcomes from higher education to illustrate how to put data to work for your institution. Examples range from simple descriptive and diagnostic analysis through predictive and prescriptive analyses that enable your institution to identify and bend trend curves. Participants will be able to describe how data is currently used and the elements they may need to add to broaden the scope of analytics in their institution. 


  • Marlena Brown

    Sr Research Analyst, Gartner Inc

Resources & Downloads

  • Putting Analytics to Work in Higher Education Slides

    Updated on 2/21/2025