HECVAT Strategic Discussion

Thursday, October 27 | 1:00PM–1:45PM MT | Mile High Ballroom 4A-C, Ballroom Level
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Facilitated Discussion

The higher education information security community and HECVAT working group have collaborated for over six years to build the successful HECVAT. Our session this year is a facilitated discussion to ask for your ideas about where to develop HECVAT in the future. We will also go over where we need you to get involved to build more resources for the community and the service providers that support us.


  • Nick Lewis

    Program Manager, Security and Identity, Internet2
  • Kim Milford

    CISO, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • Sheryl Swinson

    IT Strategy Business Analyst, Indiana University Bloomington

Resources & Downloads

  • E22_HECVAT10272022_final

    Updated on 11/3/2022