Inclusivity in Practice: Developing and Evolving a Digital Accessibility Policy

Wednesday, October 26 | 8:00AM–8:45AM MT | Mile High Ballroom 4D-F, Ballroom Level
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Presentation/Panel Session
Real institutional change requires more than grassroots community investment, scalable support strategies, and stakeholder buy-in. Lasting change for high-stakes, system-wide transformation requires policy. This presentation will detail the role of Portland State University's Office of Information Technology in navigating the bureaucratic barriers and change management strategies associated with crafting, passing, and evolving strategic, institutional-level policy on digital accessibility.


  • Michele Bromley

    Manager, Digital Accessibility and Content, Portland State University
  • Jerrod Thomas

    Senior Director - Academic and Technology Services, Portland State University

Resources & Downloads

  • Inclusivity in Practice Slides

    Updated on 7/27/2024