Scaling Simulcast: Moving From Pilot to Production in Synchronous Hybrid Courses

Wednesday, October 26 | 8:00AM–8:45AM MT | Mile High Ballroom 2B3B, Ballroom Level
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Presentation/Panel Session

In a new learning landscape that presented tough challenges, Georgia State University put a plan in place to expand teaching through "simulcast" synchronous hybrid courses. Course performance and student attitudes were measured to determine efficacy to resolve if this approach could be scaled across multiple colleges and disciplines. In this session, presenters share how they moved from a pilot study to university-wide production of simulcast courses.


  • Will Kerr

    Assistant Director, User Experience, Georgia State University
  • Phil Ventimiglia

    Chief Innovation Officer, Georgia State University
  • Lee Webster

    Director of Learning and Production Environments, Georgia State University

Resources & Downloads

  • Scaling Simulcast Session Slides E22

    Updated on 10/31/2022