Social-Emotional AR/VR Avatars for Safe-Space Conversations and Soft-Skill Training

Friday, October 28, 2022 | 9:45AM–10:30AM MT | Mile High Ballroom 4D-F, Ballroom Level
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Demonstration
By using emotional VR avatars, we can create safe scenarios where mistakes can be made allowing us all to make adjustments to how we communicate with each other. This dynamically changes how we think about preparing our future adults to interact with others all around the world! Join to learn about emotional VR avatars that exhibit emotional responses to conversations.


  • Clint CARLSON

    Director of Education Technology Innovations, University of Colorado System

Resources & Downloads

  • SocialEmotional ARVR Avatars for SafeSpace Conversations and SoftSkill Training

    Updated on 1/16/2025