Succession Planning: CIOs and Team Members Share Actions, Experiences, and Lessons
Succession Planning: CIOs and Team Members Share Actions, Experiences, and Lessons
Wednesday, October 26, 2022 | 3:00PM–3:45PM MT | Board 111, Poster Area, Exhibit Hall B-E
Session Type:
Poster Session
Delivery Format:
Poster Session
Succession planning is often treated as a low priority for leaders. Engaging in this planning creates opportunities for both employees and the organization to thrive. Succession planning at all levels helps develop leaders and contributes to retention. Panelists will share their experiences from both sides of succession planning through moderated discussion, and will engage with the audience around how to start these conversations as well as the benefits of making succession planning a higher priority.
Damian Doyle
Deputy CIO, University of Virginia
Todd Haddaway
AVP - Enterprise and Research Computing, University of Maryland, Baltimore County