The New E911 Risks

Wednesday, October 26 | 1:00PM–1:45PM MT | Mile High Ballroom 4D-F, Ballroom Level
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Presentation/Panel Session
In 2021 and 2022, new federal regulations associated with the Ray Baum Act have presented an interesting challenge for colleges and universities. As technology has enabled work from anywhere, the regulations require organizations to provide enhanced location information in the event a 911 call is placed. Balancing these competing and divergent priorities has proven to be an exercise in risk tolerance for most universities.


  • Arthur Brant

    Sr Director, Information Security & Infrastructure, Abilene Christian University
  • JD Mills

    Director of System, Network, and Identity Services, Davidson College
  • David Sliman

    Chief Information Officer, University of Southern Mississippi