Video Kills the In-Person Lecture: Widespread Adoption without Validation
Video Kills the In-Person Lecture: Widespread Adoption without Validation
Thursday, October 27, 2022 | 3:00PM–3:45PM MT | Board 207, Poster Area, Exhibit Hall B-E
Session Type:
Poster Session
Delivery Format:
Poster Session
In the absence of systematic benchmarks prior to the pandemic, previously underutilized technologies, such as video, are now replacing in-person instruction and raise concerns about quality, accessibility, and intended student engagement. Instructor enthusiasm concerning the use of video lectures has led to widespread adoption without validation of intended instructional goals. The need to reconceptualize, categorize, and promote effective video-based instructional practices has become clear.
Martyn Clark
Data Scientist, University of Maryland
Alia Lancaster
Research & Analytics Manager, University of Maryland
Megan Masters
Director, Academic Technology Experience, University of Maryland