Corporate Give-Back Opportunity

Give Back Through #EDU22

The EDUCAUSE Annual Conference is the best place to meet with your customers.

By participating in our Corporate Give-Back opportunity, you can support your clients who may not have the resources to register for this year’s event and help ensure they’re at #EDU22.

Here’s How It Works

  • Choose a bundle.
    Your organization can purchase a bundle of 5, 10, or 15 full-conference registrations to share with your institutional clientele.
  • Visit our Shopping Cart to purchase your desired bundle at either the:
    • Early Bird registration rate (ends August 8)
    • Advance registration rate (ends September 29)
    • Regular registration rate (any time after September 30)
      Please visit Annual Conference Registration for rates.
  • Receive your promo code.
    After you've confirmed your purchase, you will receive an email from EDUCAUSE staff with your unique promotional code to distribute to your institutional clientele. Only those from a .edu domain holding institution will be eligible to redeem this offering (please do not invite/share your promotional code with internal corporate staff).
  • Share your promo code with your customers. Be sure to:
    • Include the promo code and link to Annual Conference Registration in your message, so invitees can register themselves as an attendee.
    • Inform your invitees that they must enter the provided promo code at the beginning of their registration. This will $0 their full-conference, in-person registration fee, allowing them access to both the in-person and online event. Your invitees may redeem your promo code during their event registration any time. (Please be sure to use them all, as they are non-refundable.)

If you experience any technical issues, please contact Maritz Global Events at 864-641-6856.

Please note: Corporate Give-Back promo codes are available for those who are not currently registered for this year’s event. If you happen to invite a customer who is already registered, simply ask them to bring a teammate!

The higher ed IT community is seeking your solutions, and with your help, they can meet you where you are—this year’s event! If you have any questions about this opportunity, please contact our Corporate Team.

Already Participating?

Visit the Corporate Resource Center for all the details you need to prepare.


Scholarships Program

You can also make a positive impact on the higher education thought leaders of tomorrow by contributing to the EDUCAUSE Scholarship Program.

EDUCAUSE Membership

EDUCAUSE members receive special pricing on all of our events, sponsorships, exhibits, and more. Learn more about the benefits of membership.