Developing a Robust Cybersecurity Intelligence Program for Educational Institutions

Tuesday, October 22 | 4:00PM–4:45PM CT | EDUCAUSE Commons, Cybersecurity and Privacy Central Theater
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Presentation/Panel Session
We've had a year to play around with AI: evaluating how it works, exploring how we can use it for security, and learning how it can be used against us. Now it's time to put experiences of what we’ve learned into practice so that it enhances our higher education security strategy and delivers the outcomes we want. Join David Seidl, CIO at Miami University Ohio and Helen Patton, former CISO at The Ohio State University, to debate this. Participants will join the discussion to learn how to take care of their institutions without being overwhelmed and under-resourced and still deliver a security program that embraces the best of AI for the entire institution.


  • Helen Patton

    Cybersecurity Advisor, Cisco Systems, Inc.
  • David Seidl

    Vice President for Information Technology and CIO, Miami University