How Will University CIOs Be Trained in 2024? The French Touch

Tuesday, October 22 | 10:30AM–11:15AM CT
Session Type: Poster Session
Delivery Format: Poster Session
This presentation will explore the changing role of university CIOs in France in 2024. In a post-Covid university landscape undergoing a technological transformation toward the cloud, we will examine training to meet the challenges and opportunities of managing an IT department. This presentation will present an innovative five-year training program cocreated by key players in the sector and promoted by the French government and the Association of University Presidents. We will also examine a unique ecosystem of peer-to-peer interaction and collaboration. Assess the impact and contribute to the future direction with accurate data. Join us for an in-depth reflection on the future of academic CIOs. The objectives are:1) Understand the evolving role of DSI in higher education, navigating challenges and seizing opportunities in a post-Covid digital landscape; 2) Explore a unique French model of DSI training cocreated by key stakeholders, fostering collaboration and skill development; and 3) Assess the effectiveness of the training program and contribute to the development of future strategies for DSI education in universities.


  • Bertrand MOCQUET

    Digital Expert, CSIESR
  • Emmanuelle Vivier

    CIO - board member, CSIESR