Build It and They Will Come: Start a Data & Analytics Community of Practice
Over the past decade, our IR and IT offices have partnered to develop data governance, democratize access to data, and create a robust data warehouse. By design, this means that our offices no longer have the sole access and rights to our university’s data. And because we have a growing number of data users on our campus, our teams decided to collaborate to launch a Reporting & Analytics Community of Practice. In this session, we will share how we started this effort, from defining our goals to identifying our audience, garnering support from senior leaders, event planning and logistics, and finding the right balance between developing hard skills and social networking. Ultimately, we have successfully connected people with parallel responsibilities, addressed our colleagues’ needs related to reporting and analytics, reviewed timely issues related to university data, established standards for reporting internally and externally, and acted as a force for good when it comes to data integrity, data literacy, and responsible data use.
Mandie Chapman
Data Coordination Manager,
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Amy Coutu
Assistant Vice President, Enterprise Applications,
Carnegie Mellon University
John Fritz
Assoc. VP, Instructional Technology,
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Adrea Hernandez
Executive Director, Institutional Research,
University of Notre Dame
Kari jordahl
Learning Analytics Program Manager,
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Jessica Langager
Director, Enterprise Data & Analytics,
University of Notre Dame