Lunch and Learn | The AI Advantage: Leveraging Language Models for Competitive Edge in Higher Education

Wednesday, October 23 | 12:00PM–1:15PM CT | Meeting Room 214B, Second Level
Session Type: Meal

**Please note: Lunch and Learns require additional complimentary registration prior to the conference. Follow the instructions below to reserve your spot. Space is limited. Lunch and Learns are reserved for institutional attendees only.**

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As universities increasingly turn to AI to redefine the educational landscape, Large Language Models (LLMs) are pivotal tools for enhancing student experiences, optimizing administrative operations, and advancing academic research. This session explores the broad applications of LLMs beyond the classroom, focusing on the essential infrastructure needed to integrate these technologies into university systems effectively. Join Mike Hommer, Global Field CTO for NetApp, and Skylar Helton of Nvidia—renowned experts in AI, IT infrastructure, and higher education—as they delve into strategies for enhancing network capabilities, securing data, and managing the significant computational demands of LLMs. Discover how your university can utilize LLMs to revolutionize both academic and administrative processes, setting the stage for a future-proof educational environment.



  • Nori Barajas

    Higher Education Ambassador, CDW