Mirrors of Data: Identify the Changes Needed and Make Them!
Mirrors of Data: Identify the Changes Needed and Make Them!
Wednesday, October 23, 2024 | 10:15AM–11:00AM CT | Meeting Room 225A, Second Level
Session Type:
Breakout Session
Delivery Format:
Presentation/Panel Session
The future of education is highly reliant on technology to deliver, assess, and support learning and improvement. Yet across higher ed today, there are multiple bottlenecks within technology infrastructures. These include disparate solutions not “talking to each other,” an inability to unlock data for meaningful reporting, and data “collecting dust” instead of being activated for improvement. Creating and maintaining a culture for improvement means that you have a process to collect and use assessment practices that matter. Learn from institutional leaders who have developed proven methods for using data to improve academic quality through the lens of faculty and student engagement.
Suzanne Carbonaro
Director, Higher Education Programs, 1EdTech
Kevin Corcoran
Assistant Vice Provost, Center for Distributed Learning, University of Central Florida
Loren Malm
Vice President for Information Technology and CIO, Ball State University
Steven Williams
Principal Product Manager, Academic Technology, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)